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Extending School Holidays Can Lead to Heavy Fines

by WeLiveInDE

Families who extend their children’s school holidays without permission, either by leaving early or returning late, may face significant fines across Germany. This practice, while potentially reducing travel stress and costs, is considered a serious violation of school attendance laws and can result in hefty penalties.

Legal Consequences Across Germany

In Germany, school attendance is mandatory, and unauthorized absences are classified as administrative offenses. The fines for these offenses vary by state. For instance, in North Rhine-Westphalia, fines range from €300 to €1,000 per parent per child. This means that families who extend their holidays without proper authorization could face substantial financial penalties. In Rheinland-Pfalz, fines can reach up to €1,500 for persistent violations, especially in cases of repeated or blatant offenses.

The enforcement of these laws is strict, with schools required to report unauthorized absences to local authorities, who then determine the appropriate fines. The penalties can be severe, especially if the absence is deemed willful and unjustified.

Increased Surveillance and Reporting

Authorities have become increasingly vigilant in monitoring school attendance around holiday periods. Airports, such as the one in Memmingen, Bavaria, have conducted targeted checks just before the start of holidays. These checks have led to several cases where children who were reported sick were found traveling with their families. Such incidents are reported back to school authorities, and parents are subsequently fined.

A notable case involved a mother who falsely claimed a death in the family to justify her daughter’s absence from school. The child was, in fact, reported sick, but was caught traveling instead. This led to the mother facing a fine of up to €1,000.

Significant Number of Cases

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany, approximately 2,000 cases related to unauthorized holiday extensions were processed last year. However, the actual number of such cases is likely higher, as not all fines specifically related to holiday extensions are separately recorded. Additionally, fines imposed by local school authorities for primary and special needs schools are not always included in these statistics.

Even in smaller states like Bremen, over 150 fines were issued for unauthorized holiday extensions in the last school year. This reflects a growing trend of enforcement across the country.

Exceptions and Permissible Absences

While fines are common for unauthorized absences, there are exceptions where students can be granted leave from school. These typically include significant family events, such as the death of a close relative. However, vacation plans that extend into school time are generally not considered a valid reason for an absence.

In some cases, if there is doubt about the legitimacy of a reported illness, schools may require a medical certificate, and in exceptional cases, an independent examination by a government doctor.

The Ministry of Education in North Rhine-Westphalia has made it clear that permission to extend holidays is rarely granted, especially if it appears that the purpose is to take advantage of cheaper travel rates or avoid peak traffic times.

Importance of Adhering to School Attendance Laws

The mandatory school attendance law in Germany is a well-protected regulation, and the government emphasizes the importance of setting a good example for children. While the temptation to extend holidays for convenience or cost savings may be strong, the potential legal and financial consequences serve as a significant deterrent.

Parents are advised to strictly adhere to school schedules and only seek exceptions in legitimate and unavoidable circumstances to avoid the risk of hefty fines and legal trouble.

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