Home » Intensified Security Measures at Cologne Cathedral Following Arrests Over Attack Plot

Intensified Security Measures at Cologne Cathedral Following Arrests Over Attack Plot

by WeLiveInDE

The recent arrests in Germany concerning a planned attack on the Cologne Cathedral have put the country on high alert. The primary suspects, linked to a Tajik national apprehended on Christmas Eve, are believed to be associated with Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), an IS offshoot in Afghanistan. This development underlines the heightened risk of Islamist attacks in Europe.

Details of the Arrests and Investigations

The Cologne police, in cooperation with the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) and the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), have detained three more individuals in connection with the plot. The arrests occurred in various locations including Duisburg, Herne, and Nörvenich in the Düren district, with subsequent searches conducted at their residences.

Investigations following the initial arrest uncovered plans to use a car as a weapon, although specific details of the attack remain unclear. Security measures around the Cologne Cathedral have been significantly reinforced, including the deployment of approximately 1,000 police officers for the protection of the cathedral and the city center.

No Explosives Found; Festivities to Proceed

Despite thorough searches by the police, including the use of sniffer dogs in the cathedral’s underground parking, no explosives or immediate signs of an attack were found. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Interior Minister Herbert Reul has expressed confidence in the effectiveness of the security measures, assuring the public that celebrations in Cologne can proceed calmly.

International Connections and Broader Security Concerns

The case exemplifies the intricate nature of terrorist networks, with connections spanning multiple German states and European countries. The increased activities of “Islamist people and groups” have been noted by officials, and the case also involves inquiries in Austria, where the police have arrested four individuals linked to the same network.

Response and Precautions

The incident has prompted a comprehensive response from German authorities, emphasizing the seriousness with which they are addressing the threat of Islamist terrorism. Security checks were heightened during Christmas services at the cathedral, with visitors subjected to thorough inspections.

The broader context includes heightened tensions and increased Islamist terrorist activities in Europe, particularly following conflicts involving Hamas and Israel. Germany remains vigilant, with its security apparatus actively monitoring and responding to these evolving threats.

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