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No More Glueing Ourselves on the Street: Letzte Generation

by WeLiveInDE
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The climate action group “Letzte Generation” (Last Generation) has announced a significant shift in their approach to protesting, marking the end of their well-known street blockades and glue-based protests. For about two years, the group has been at the forefront of climate activism in Germany, employing disruptive tactics to draw attention to the urgent need for radical climate action. However, moving forward, they are set to adopt a new form of protest that promises to remain unmistakable.

The End of an Era

Beginning in March, Letzte Generation plans to call for “disobedient assemblies” across the country, aiming to gather large numbers of people in acts of peaceful, civil resistance. This move signifies a departure from their previous strategy of dividing into small groups to block streets, a method that has garnered both attention and controversy.

Direct Confrontations and New Targets

In addition to organizing disobedient assemblies, Letzte Generation intends to directly confront those they hold responsible for climate destruction. The group’s future actions will include publicly challenging politicians and decision-makers, as well as targeting sites of fossil fuel destruction such as oil pipelines and airports. These efforts aim to hold accountable those at the helm of policies and practices detrimental to the environment.

A Call to the Federal President

A notable aspect of their revised strategy is the plan to appeal to German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, urging him to publicly address the climate crisis and the need for a significant policy shift. The specifics of this appeal are to be detailed in a forthcoming letter, reflecting the group’s commitment to influencing political discourse on climate action.

Reflection and Response

The announcement comes after a period of relative quietness for Letzte Generation, which has seen its actions overshadowed by other protests, including those against right-wing extremism. The decision to cancel a planned mass blockade in favor of participating in an anti-right-wing action signals a broader perspective on activism and solidarity among causes.

Since initiating their street blockades on January 24, 2022, Letzte Generation has carried out 550 actions, according to Berlin police, leading to 3,700 proceedings by the city’s prosecutor’s office. The group’s tactics have sparked debate within the public and among fellow climate activists, with some criticizing the methods as counterproductive.

A New Chapter in Climate Activism

As Letzte Generation embarks on this new chapter, their commitment to making climate issues unignorable remains steadfast. The shift away from street blockades to disobedient assemblies and direct confrontations signifies a strategic evolution aimed at broadening the impact and reach of their message. With the climate crisis continuing to escalate, the group’s efforts to adapt and intensify their activism reflect the urgent need for decisive action and societal engagement in addressing environmental challenges.

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