Home » Writing a German-Style Resume (Lebenslauf)

Writing a German-Style Resume (Lebenslauf)

by WeLiveInDE
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Crafting a resume for the German job market requires understanding the specific expectations and conventions that differ from those in many other countries. A German-style resume, or ‘Lebenslauf’, is a key document that showcases your professional and educational background to potential employers in Germany. This article provides guidance on how to effectively structure and present your resume to make a strong impression in the German job market.

Essential Components of a German-Style Resume

Personal Information (Persönliche Angaben)

Begin with your personal details, including your full name, contact information, date of birth, and nationality. Including a professional photo at the top of your resume is customary in Germany.

Professional Experience (Berufserfahrung)

List your professional experience in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the company, your position, and the dates of your employment. Be specific about your responsibilities and achievements in each role.

Educational Background (Bildungsweg)

Detail your educational history, again in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, the degree obtained, and the dates of attendance. Mention any relevant thesis or major projects.

Skills and Qualifications (Fähigkeiten und Qualifikationen)

Highlight specific skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This can include language skills, technical skills, and any certifications or licenses you hold.

Personal Interests and Hobbies (Persönliche Interessen und Hobbys)

While not mandatory, adding a section for interests and hobbies can provide a more comprehensive picture of your personality. Keep this section brief and relevant to the job.

Formatting and Style

Clarity and Conciseness

A German resume should be clear, well-structured, and concise. Limit your resume to a maximum of two pages.


Use a simple, professional font and layout. The document should be aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.

Accuracy and Honesty

Ensure that all information is accurate and truthful. German employers value integrity and may verify the details of your resume.


If you are applying for a position in a German-speaking environment, your resume should ideally be written in German. Ensure that it is free from grammatical and spelling errors. If you’re not fluent in German, consider having your resume professionally translated or reviewed.

Cultural Considerations

Directness and Formality

German business culture values directness and formality. Your resume should reflect this by being straightforward and focusing on your qualifications and achievements.

Privacy Considerations

It’s common in Germany to include your date of birth and marital status, but other personal information such as religion or political affiliation should not be included.

References (Referenzen)

It is not customary in Germany to include a list of references on your resume. However, be prepared to provide them upon request.

Important to Remember

A well-prepared German-style resume is critical for job hunting success in Germany. It should accurately reflect your professional journey and be tailored to the specific job and industry you’re targeting. Paying attention to detail, ensuring a professional presentation, and understanding cultural nuances will help your resume stand out to potential German employers.

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How to Germany: Table of Contents

Getting Started in Germany

A Guide to Learning German

Social Integration

Healthcare in Germany

Job Search & Employment

Housing & Utilities

Finance & Taxes

Educational System

Lifestyle & Entertainment

Transport & Mobility

Shopping & Consumer Rights

Social Security & Welfare

Networking & Community

Cuisine & Dining

Sports & Recreation

Volunteering & Social Impact

Events & Festivals

Everyday Life of Expats

Finding a Lawyer

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